January 23, 2008 was the toughest day of our lives. It was the day we found out that mom was diagnosed with a Stage 3 Cancer. We had been through 2 years, sugeries and radiation but in December when she went to the wedding, it was all going to be ok. We didnt know at that time that the real fight was just about to begin. The real fight started on January 24th. And mum has inspired us all. She has been battling this disease in a manner that I never could. She has been through surgeries, radiation and 12 round sof chemo. I will never forget the night that she was put in an ambulance and rushed ot the intensive care because of the continuous bleeding. I was in Frankfurt on my way and was praying every second. She made it through. That is the first time I have been in an ambulance with someone so close to me lying in front of me, hooked up to tubes. I was listening to the sirens and it all started sinking in. I have cried at odd times. Not in the face of the disease or in front of mom but more when I watch a movie, walk out of the grocery store or listen to a song that for some reason strikes a chord so deep that it becomes impossible to hold myself together.
I am not sure why I am writing this. I was inspired to write after I read something that my sister wrote on a blog about oral cancer. After I read that, I decided to write too.
Mom has tremendous faith. That is what gives her strength. She is more concerned about us and herself. She makes us smile any chance she gets.
Mom came home in June. We were so happy -- she was watering her plants, ordering the cooks around and walking to the garden to pick flowers for her prayers in the morning. She was back!! When I flew back here in April, I was hopeful. Hope -- its a dangerous word. It can make things ok in seconds. It is so powerful.
When I saw mom over the July 4th weekend, I cant help say that I was very sad. I saw that she had declined severely since 8 weeks ago. She was still her usual self. She couldnt speak so she wrote some things in her book. "How is work?" she said. So I talked ot her for a while and told her how things are going really well. A lot better than last year. I have a new boss and a new job that I really like. I am so lucky to have a great team of people who are brilliant and hard working and they make me look good. Then she asked me what I was going to eat for lunch. In her book she wrote "Tell the cook to make Dosa, Coconut chutney for you". So I did. At dinner time, she wanted the book again. She wrote "Tell the cook to make you chinese food -- she can make fried rice and why dont you have some shrimp and fish?" she wrote. It broke my heart to see her in such spirits. She said " Dont worry, God is with me. God will take care of me"
Today is July 12, 2008 and we are praying again. Mom is back in the hospital. She was admitted the day after I came back here. Since the cancer is in her throat, she has difficulty eating, speaking and breathing. The 3 things I cannont imagine myself without. The cancer is showing signs of coming back. This is the worst disease anyone can get. Why does my precious mother have to suffer?
Mum is fighting Oral Cancer. We are praying. Oral cancer is the largest group of those cancers which fall into the head and neck cancer category. Common names for it include such things as mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Approximately 35,000 people in the US will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer in 2008.
I am not sure why I am writing this. I was inspired to write after I read something that my sister wrote on a blog about oral cancer. After I read that, I decided to write too.
Mom has tremendous faith. That is what gives her strength. She is more concerned about us and herself. She makes us smile any chance she gets.
Mom came home in June. We were so happy -- she was watering her plants, ordering the cooks around and walking to the garden to pick flowers for her prayers in the morning. She was back!! When I flew back here in April, I was hopeful. Hope -- its a dangerous word. It can make things ok in seconds. It is so powerful.
When I saw mom over the July 4th weekend, I cant help say that I was very sad. I saw that she had declined severely since 8 weeks ago. She was still her usual self. She couldnt speak so she wrote some things in her book. "How is work?" she said. So I talked ot her for a while and told her how things are going really well. A lot better than last year. I have a new boss and a new job that I really like. I am so lucky to have a great team of people who are brilliant and hard working and they make me look good. Then she asked me what I was going to eat for lunch. In her book she wrote "Tell the cook to make Dosa, Coconut chutney for you". So I did. At dinner time, she wanted the book again. She wrote "Tell the cook to make you chinese food -- she can make fried rice and why dont you have some shrimp and fish?" she wrote. It broke my heart to see her in such spirits. She said " Dont worry, God is with me. God will take care of me"
Today is July 12, 2008 and we are praying again. Mom is back in the hospital. She was admitted the day after I came back here. Since the cancer is in her throat, she has difficulty eating, speaking and breathing. The 3 things I cannont imagine myself without. The cancer is showing signs of coming back. This is the worst disease anyone can get. Why does my precious mother have to suffer?
Mum is fighting Oral Cancer. We are praying. Oral cancer is the largest group of those cancers which fall into the head and neck cancer category. Common names for it include such things as mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Approximately 35,000 people in the US will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer in 2008.
Nameeta's blog
Thanks for sharing during what has to be a difficult time. I will be thinking of you and your family. You are loved!
Thanks Brian! It is a trying time and I appreciate the thoughts and prayers.
I am praying that Sneha Aunty will overcome this and get better soon. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am praying for your mom and your entire family!
And thanks for the compliments! (the 'hard working' and 'brilliant team' part!)
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